Monday, August 31, 2009

the hard goodbye... part 1

There I was. In the middle of my living room floor. My furniture was gone. All that was left were some items in my kitchen so I could eat, my CD player and my TV and DVD player so I could have some entertainment.... some good quality entertainment.

I'll get to what I was doing in the middle of the floor in a minute, but first I need to explain some things...

My brothers and my dad had come to my apartment to take the big items away and haul them away to my parent's house. My bed? Gone. My couch? Gone. My coffee table? Gone. My dresser? Gone. I had piles of clothes to sort through, dishes and whatever kitchen stuff I had to pack and send to my parents, and some personal items. Where was I sleeping? My friend, and adopted little sister lived in the apartment below me, and ages before we had swapped keys and kind of combined our apartments, so if I needed to sleep or anything, I just needed to go down to my other apartment and help myself. We would snuggle every night, and wake each other up in the morning anyway, so it just made things easier. {sidebar, this friend is now in Africa, doing her first semester abroad. Pretty awesome, right?}.

My massive dog was staying with my friend, Brettley, who has now officially taken him as his own. Which was amazing. I can't thank him enough for what he has done for me, and he seriously has been an amazing friend.

So back to me sitting in the middle of the living room floor. I had been watching the last season of Friends, and if anyone has a heart and has seen the last bit of it, knows that it's about things ending. If you haven't seen it, I'm going to ruin it for you. And slap you across the face for not watching one of the best shows on TV. PS... Spoiler alert.

So, in the last little bit a lot happens. But I'm going to focus on one main thing. Ross and Rachel. The epic relationship of Ross and Rachel. Everyone knows about it.

I was watching the last few episodes while I was sorting through my clothes, trying to figure out what to donate, keep, and store. I was sitting, literally sitting on a pile of clothes, clutching my teddy bear, Frank Hernando, that Mr. Brown Boot had given me. At this point, Rachel had gotten a job in Paris, and was saying her final goodbyes to everyone at her goodbye party. Everyone except Ross. Because it was too hard. Of course he was offended. I would have been too.

Bla bla bla... The end up having sex, and they both realize they are in love with each other still. That's the thing that hit me. And she is going to leave for Paris anyway. I already know how it ends. Bla bla bla happily ever after.

But there I was. Sitting on a pile of clothes. Hugging the Brown Boot bear. My red, puffy eyes fixed on the TV, with tears streaming down my face. Friends was making me cry.

Remember how I mentioned my friend that had they key to my apartment? My door was already unlocked, and she came in to see that pathetic sight. Me, crying, holding a damn teddy bear... PA.THE.TIC. So pathetic, she actually sad, "AWE!" out loud. I'm not even close to kidding.

She dragged my pathetic ass out of my pathetic apartment. Dragged me to the coffee house I wasn't managing anymore, and made me breathe fresh air and sunshine. Did I mention that I was carrying the teddy bear still? Yeah. I was. Did I say pathetic? PATHETIC.

A day or so later, I had my mom's car and I was running errands. There were last minute things I knew that I needed to get in Utah before I moved to Florida. My sweet friend was with me still. Every step of the way. Sure, she wasn't very happy about me leaving, but she still supported me. She even went with me to get to my birth control.

We were leaving Planned Parenthood, after almost getting pushed off the road by an idiotic trucker (two years later, and I still remember that jerk...) when I got the fatal text message.

I don't remember how it started. I don't remember what the first message said. I just knew who it was from. When I saw his name on my screen... I was shocked. I started freaking out to my friend who had been there with me through the past year of my hell. It was Brown Boot.

He heard I was leaving.

He wanted to see me one last time.

He wanted to have one last night with me.